Missal Parishes
I would like to set up a 'World Register' of English/ American/ Anglican Missal parishes who have a presence on the web. I will include these as Links on the blog. So if you stumble across this and you think your parish/congregation should be included, leave a comment with a link to the parish website.
I will place these parishes into two categories: theologically sound (ie anglo-papist) and nice liturgy. Also, any parish which is not strictly Missal but offers a regular Missal Mass will be included under Missal Friendly.
I will place these parishes into two categories: theologically sound (ie anglo-papist) and nice liturgy. Also, any parish which is not strictly Missal but offers a regular Missal Mass will be included under Missal Friendly.
An Anglican Missal parish in Greenwich, Connecticut (USA)
with a Mission in New York City.
We belong to the Diocese of the Holy Cross, which is comprised of American congregations belonging to Forward in Faith - United Kingdom.
frbader, at Monday, February 27, 2006 5:03:00 PM
"Fort Worth's Traditional Anglo Catholic Parish"
St. Timothy's Church
4201 Mitchell Blvd
Fort Worth, TX 76119
Sunday Masses 8:00 low mass
9:30 Solemn Mass (beginning with the Asperges and continuing through to the Last Gospel)
Confessions Sat 10 am
Weekdays M, W 6 p.m. -- Tu, Th, Sat 9:30 a.m.
The Very Rev'd Christopher C. Stainbrook SSC
Note article about our relic of St. Timothy on our web page!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:41:00 AM
St. Timothy's uses either the American Missal (Sundays and some Weekdays) or the English Missal (Weekdays and some Holy Days) at all of our masses.
Fr. Christopher C. Stainbrook, SSC
Anonymous, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:45:00 AM
The Church of the Resurrection, 74th & Park Avenue, New York City, uses The English Missal for all masses. (Parish of the Episcopal Diocese of New York)
Anonymous, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:00:00 AM
Really Father Marco, you cannot be an Anglo-Papist and use the English/American/Anglican Missal. That would make you an Anglo-Lefebvrist. :-)
Anonymous, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:38:00 AM
St. Matthias Church, Arlington, Virginia, USA, uses The American Missal at all services. We don't have the manpower to manage Solemn Mass, but we celebrate quite a respectable sung Mass with hymns. Every Sunday at 9:00 a.m., midweek holy days as announced.
stpetric, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:54:00 AM
St George's, Columbus, Georgia, USA.
(Anglican Church in America)
(Traditional Anglican Communion)
Anglican Missal in the American Edition at all Masses.
0800 Low Mass
0900 Xn Ed (Church School grades pre-k to middle school), Adult Bible Study)
1015 Low Mass with hymns (depending on the day, may be Sung Mass or Solemn Mass)
1130 St Nicholas Choir rehearsal (RSCM choir ages 8-15)
1800 Low Mass
1830 Dinner
1900 Youth B.L.A.S.T., Adult Bible or Book Study, Xn Ed classes grades pre-k to 5)
Holy Days:
1800 Mass (depending on day could be Low, Sung, or Solemn)
Fr Richard Sutter SSM, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:04:00 AM
St George's Goodwood, Adelaide, Australia
The Anglo-Catholic place to be in Adelaide
English Missal mass most Fridays at 5.15 pm
Anonymous, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 9:32:00 AM
S. Clement's, Philadelphia (ECUSA)
0800 Low Mass
1100 Solemn Mass
1600 Solemn Vespers and Benediction
Monday, Thursday
1210 Low Mass
1730 Evensong
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
0700 Low Mass
1730 Evensong
1000 Low Mass
1730 Evensong
Mass is celebrated according to the English Missal, with the Roman propers and canon, and the full traditional ceremonies. Sunday Vespers is according to the Anglican Breviary; weekday Evensong is B.C.P. The other offices from the breviary are offered on an ad hoc basis.
Paul Goings, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:36:00 AM
All Saints', North Street* in York and St Luke's, Southport (Diocese of Liverpool) are two of four Church of England parishes that are all-Missal. And there's St Agatha's, Portsmouth, an historic shrine church that's now in the Traditional Anglican Communion, a Continuing group.
In Galesburg, Illinois, Fr Thomas Janikowski's church, Grace Episcopal, is, last I heard, Missal-friendly with weekday Mass.
I imagine St Mary of the Angels in Hollywood (ex-ECUSA, now Continuing) is a Missal place.
As is St James (same) in Cleveland.
In Philadelphia, again last I heard, St Mark's in Locust Street is Missal-friendly with its daily Mass but an 'Affirming Catholic' (Broad Churchmen dressed up), nice-liturgy place, not really a Catholic one anymore. (They're going for the cultured-gay niche market.)
*Been there and liked it. A mediƦval church, it's also popular with sarumophile re-enactors of period uses like that of York. (A sometime rector was a friend of Percy Dearmer.)
Ecgbert, at Wednesday, March 01, 2006 1:02:00 AM
Fr Kelly has asked me to add stjohnsdetroit.org
They celebrate weekday Mass from the American Missal. Sunday is 1928 BCP with sung minor propers.
frbader, at Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:54:00 AM
Saint Alban's Cathedral (Traditional Anglican)
Diocese of the Eastern United States
The Anglican Province of America
3348 West State Road 426 (Aloma Avenue)
Oviedo, Florida
All Masses celebrated with the American Missal/1928 American BCP.
Sunday Masses: 8 AM and 10.30 AM.
Weekday Masses: 12 Noon Tuesday, 7 PM Wednesday, 9.30 AM Thursday, 12 Noon Friday, 12 Noon First Saturdays, Holy Days as announced.
The Most Rev'd Walter H. Grundorf, Dean
The Rev'd Fr. Chandler Holder Jones, SSC, Sub-Dean
The Most Reverend Chandler Holder Jones, SSC, at Wednesday, March 01, 2006 1:03:00 PM
S. John the Evangelist
Newport Rhode Island
Under the episcopal oversight of The Rt Rev'd Keith Ackerman SSC
1928 Anglican Missal usage with Daily Office and Daily Mass
Anonymous, at Monday, March 06, 2006 7:21:00 AM
St Paul's Anglican Church, 581 Lincoln Avenue, Prescott. 10am Low Mass (American Missal) - 1st Wednesday of the month and some Holydays - e.g. Corpus Christi. The Very Rev. Peter D. Robinson, FSSM, Pector. http://www.prescottanglican.ozonez.com
Anonymous, at Sunday, March 12, 2006 10:46:00 AM
Please do not leave out Saint Alban Church (United Anglican) in York, Pennsylvania. We use the Knott Missal regularly, and celebrate a Latin Mass (Tridentine) on the first Saturdays of each month. See our website at www.salbans.org.
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 25, 2006 11:33:00 AM
St. Mary of the Angels Anglican Church
(Traditional Anglican Communion)
4510 Finley Ave., Los Angeles, CA
Church Office (323) 660-2700
Sunday Schedule
7:30 am Matins
8:00 am Low Mass
9:00 am Children's church school and youth Bible study
10:00 am Solemn High Mass (baby sitters provided)
5:00 pm Evensong
Daily Schedule
Mon. - Fri.
11:15 am Matins
12 noon Mass
7:00 pm Vespers
Visit Website or Call for additional activities not listed.
In Christ,
Your Brother, Michael
PanzerMarkVI, at Friday, October 16, 2009 12:58:00 PM
Church of the Epiphany
2512 N Beltline Blvd
Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Member Forward in Faith International
A Traditional Anglo Catholic Parish
Anglican Missal and English Gradual
Mass 10 am Sun, 6 pm Wed, Noon, Fri
The Rev'd Canon Craig Young, SSC - Rector
The Rev'd Fr Paul Sterne, SSC - Asst
By Blogger Fr Craig Young, SSC, at Wednesday, March 01, 2006 3:34:00 AM
John Politis, at Saturday, August 24, 2024 8:23:00 AM
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