Thank-you to all those who have submitted Missal Parishes. I will make these into a list and post them soon. Remember you can always add more.
To the person who questioned whether or not I can call myself an Anglo-Papist and prompt the Missal tradition, here is part of my email response:
To the person who questioned whether or not I can call myself an Anglo-Papist and prompt the Missal tradition, here is part of my email response:
Do note that the name of the blog is the 'TRADITIONAL Anglo-Papist'. Taking seriously what has been said by Pope John Paul II in his Apostolic Letter Ecclesia Dei, I pray for "a wide and generous application of the directives already issued some time ago by the Apostolic See for the use of the Roman Missal according to the typical edition of 1962" amongst Anglo-Catholics.As a Traditional Anglo-Papist, I feel a close connection to the Roman faithful who attend and prompt the 'Latin Mass' (I do not like that title and dislike, even more, the name Tridentine Mass) and the liturgical rites of typical edition of 1962. I share with these communites of faithful their spirituality, devotional life, and love for tradition. Enough said!
Dear Father,
Good on you!
I've heard this (specious) argument before, and usually it's offered by those who don't like the competition. The young (or so I'm told!) are drawn to the traditional rites and ceremonies, whereas a lot of the modern mish-mash leaves them cold (or, rather, hot for something else--like neo-paganism!)
These same people, I suppose, don't think that parishes which use the '62 Missale Romanum by indult are really catholic. Well, they can take that up with the Holy Father!
Paul Goings, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:43:00 AM
It doesn't matter a fig that St Novus one block from my house doesn't worship as I do and calls our kind 'non-Catholic': my answer to the detractors you allude to is that being in the historic Catholic mainstream - such as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's 'eternal Rome' - is what matters, and Missal and Breviary Anglo-Catholics are in that mainstream, surrounded by a cloud of historical witnesses.
Ecgbert, at Friday, March 03, 2006 3:47:00 AM
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