Traditional Anglo-Papist

29 March 2006


Have you noticed how parts of the liturgy have changed name (almost overnight): Introit to Entrance Antiphon, Collect to Opening Prayer, Secret to Prayer over the Gifts, Canon to Eucharistic Prayers, Mass to Eucharist. (I have noticed the use of some or all of these terms within even traditional Anglo-Papist circles!) To early Anglo-Catholic and Anglo-Papists names have always been very important. In the past the use of the term Mass, in contrast to Holy Communion or the modern day use of Eucharist, placed a church within the advanced group of churchmanship.

SO what does all of this mean?

The General Introduction to the Roman Missal speaks of the A witness to the unbroken tradition in the Sacramentary of Paul VI. So why the change in names? Why not just keep the name unless there is a major shift in emphases and theology?

I think all of this is another sign of the predominate philosophy of the ‘committee’: nominalism. Nominalism is:
… best understood in contrast to realism. Philosophical realism holds that when we use descriptive terms such as "green" or "tree," the Forms of those concepts really exist, independently of world in an abstract realm. Nominalism, by contrast, holds that ideas represented by words have no real existence beyond our imaginations.
Not just does the new Mass (the Sacramentary of Paul VI) have a bad philosophical concept of history but it is also weighed down under nominalism. The emphases on the cerebral over against the whole person (body/mind) grows out of this philosophy which lives in contrast to the major philosophy of the Western Catholic Church, Thomism.

Is it such a large step from the name changing within the liturgy of the Church to the name changing in relation to God?


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