Apostolic Succession
Here is an article about yesterday's general audience: Only true apostolic succession guarantees loyalty to the Gospel.
Benedict XVI, partly improvising and reading off his prepared speech, highlighted the role of the Church of Rome, “sign, criterion and guarantee of the uninterrupted transmission of the apostolic faith” in the context of apostolic succession. ... the words spoken by the pope today cannot but appear to be a stress on bishops’ need for a relationship “with Peter”.
I'll admit that I never was taught nor believed something I've only recently heard claimed for Rome (or alleged that Rome teaches): that the Pope is the fons (from Christ) of the apostolic ministry. IOW everybody else, whether now in communion with the Pope or not, ultimately got his orders from him. AFAIK that's not what Rome teaches. Am I wrong?
Ecgbert, at Friday, May 12, 2006 1:50:00 AM
I don't believe that the Church teaches this, or ever has. What was the source?
Paul Goings, at Saturday, May 13, 2006 9:32:00 PM
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