SSPX and the Holy See
Via Santo Stupido!
Rome Losing interest in reconciliation with SSPX?.
What does this mean for the Traditional Rite?
Rome Losing interest in reconciliation with SSPX?.
In a homily preached to participants in the SSPX pilgrimage, Bishop Fellay illustrated the extent of Lefebvrist disaffection from Rome, saying that the modern Church leadership was engaged in "suicide" because Catholicism had renounced its missionary spirit.Sounds more like SSPX is not interested in reconciliation with Rome!
What does this mean for the Traditional Rite?
What does this mean for the traditional rite?
I'm afraid it doesn't look good. While the traditionalist Roman Catholics have been eager to paint Pope Benedict as someone sharing their cause (which is wishful thinking on their part), I think it's much more likely that Rome's real interest was in putting SSPX out of business. I sincerely doubt there will be any resurrection of the traditional Roman Rite without a reconciliation with the Lefebvrists.
Mr DG Fulton, at Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:01:00 AM
I think it's much more likely that Rome's real interest was in putting SSPX out of business.
Sadly, I think this is closer to the truth than any of us would like to admit. That said, it would be fairly difficult to roll things back now, and not expect widespread schism.
I think that the delays re. the S.S.P.X. are due to their upcoming election of a superior; if it's Bp Williamson then there's no point in talking at all.
Paul Goings, at Thursday, June 08, 2006 9:51:00 PM
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