Rogation Monday
Today according to the 1962 Calendar is Rogation Monday. Before Mass today the people of God implore the intercession of the saints saying the Litany of the Saints in procession. The Catholic Encyclopedia gives these liturgical uses of the Litany of the Saints:
Here are some links to the Litany of the Saints:
From EWTN.
From Pope John Paul II Funeral.
In Latin and English from
Three forms of the Litany of the Saints are at present in liturgical use.
First form. The form given above is prescribed by the Roman Ritual at the laying of the corner-stone of a new church, at the blessing or reconciliation of the same or of a cemetery, in the rite of blessing the people and fields in virtue of a special papal indult, for the major and minor Rogation Days, in the procession and prayers to obtain rain or fine weather, to avert storms and tempests, in time of famine or war, to escape mortality or in time of pestilence, in any tribulation, during the translation of relics, in solemn exorcisms of the possessed, and at the Forty Hours' Devotion. The Roman Pontifical, besides the occasions given in the Ritual, orders its recitation in the conferring of major orders, in the consecration of a bishop, benediction of an abbot or abbess, consecration of virgins, coronation of a king or queen, consecration of a church, expulsion and readmission of public penitents on Maundy Thursday, and in the "Ordo ad Synodum".
Second form. Another form is given in the Roman Missal for Holy Saturday and the Vigil of Pentecost. It is an abbreviation of the other. Each verse and response must be duplicated in this litany and in that chanted on Rogation Days (S.R.C., 3993, ad 4).
Third form. A third form is in the "Commendatio" of the Roman Ritual, in which the invocations and supplications are specially chosen to benefit the departing soul about to appear before its Maker (Holzhey, "Thekla-Akten", 1905, 93). This and the preceding form may not be used on other occasions (S.R.C., 2709, ad 1).
Here are some links to the Litany of the Saints:
From EWTN.
From Pope John Paul II Funeral.
In Latin and English from
It's nice you could have your Rogation Procession actually on a Rogation Day. As far as I know, there isn't any Anglican place in the United States that keeps the procession on the proper days. Very few places even bother having the procession, but where it is held, it's 'transferred' to the Sunday before the first Lesser Rogation Day. The argument for this is that no one will come if it's not on a Sunday while they're at church anyway. How many did you have in attendance?
Mr DG Fulton, at Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:47:00 AM
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